Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
KAMDHENU pashu aahar +star |
31 |
KAMDHENU pashu ahaar +bottl |
31 |
KANJI pashu aahar VIKASH |
31 |
KARGIL pashu aahar +cow ova |
31 |
KISAN HIPRO pashu aahar +co |
31, 35, 40 |
KRISHAK pashu ahar +cows |
35 |
KRISHNA GOLD pashu aahar |
31 |
LOTUS pashu aahar +flowers |
35 |
MILKIANA pashu aahar |
31 |
MUDRIKA pashu poshan +cattl |
31, 35 |
NANDIGRAM pashu aahar |
31 |
OM pashu aahar +cow |
31 |
OM SHANTULIT pashu aahar |
31 |
P MARK pashu aahar +cow |
31 |
PGI pashu aahar +cow & arc |
31 |
PRADHAN pashu aahar +man |
31 |
PURNANNA pashu aahar +squar |
31 |
RAJ UTTAM pashu aahar |
31 |
RAMAJI pashu aahar +arcs |
31 |
RASRAJ pashu aahar +cow |
31 |
RATNAVALI pashu aahar |
31 |
RITI pashu aahar |
31 |
SANTUSHTI poshtik pashu aha |
31 |
SANWARIYA pashu aahar +god |
31 |
SARAS brand pashu-aahar |
31 |
SETHIA pashu aahar +cows |
31 |
SHAYAM pashu aahar +cows |
31 |
SHIVDHARA pashu aahar +cow |
31 |
SHREE NANDINI pashu aashar |
31 |
SHREE SARAS pashu aahar |
31 |
SONA SIKKA pashu aahar |
31 |
SUDAMA pashu aahar +man |
31 |
SUDHAAMRIT pashu aahar +ova |
31 |
SURYA pashu aahar +sun |
31 |
SWASTIK pashu aahar +swasti |
31 |
TAKAT pashu aahar +god |
31 |
TAPASIYA pashu aahar |
31 |
TILAK pashu aahar +cow |
31 |
TOTA pashu aahar +bird |
31 |
URJA pashu aahar +cows |
31 |
ZAMIDARA pashu aahar +man |
31 |
shudh SADA BAHAR pashu aaha |
31 |
SAMPURNA pashuaahar +cow |
31 |
sorath pashuaahar +lion |
31 |
AGNI PURAK pashuahar |
31 |
RASDHARA pashuahar +cow |
31 |
MAYUR pashukhadya +peacock |
31 |
SKSK SHREE pashupatinath |
29 |
KOLA pasi TAKE AWAY +bowl |
43 |
TRABAJO pasion honestidad |
33 |
KOYRI +pasley |
35 |
OLD el paso |
29, 30 |
pass HI pass |
3 |
BRITANNIA time pass |
29, 30 |
GOLDEN sires pass book |
16 |
KUONI holiday pass |
39 |
SOTC hotel pass |
42 |
pass HI pass |
3 |
real taste time pass snacks |
30 |
time pass |
30 |
SENAMAX for smooth passage |
5 |
easing your passage to indi |
16 |
JEENA BINA passena |
3 |
PRAXIS passenger revenue |
9 |
12 |
passion ONCO BIZ +arcs |
42 |
passion sports +oval & arcs |
28 |
ABATER passion of life |
41 |
B research-a passion |
36, 41 |
BAJAJ passion |
12 |
CARDWELL passion innovation |
7 |
GD GEMMZ passion |
14 |
GRILLPOINT flavors passion |
30 |
GTFC passion to perform |
25 |
HERCULES ride your passion |
12 |
IVANO a passion for fashion |
24 |
MAGNUM passion |
3 |
NILE bathing passion +oval |
11 |
NON passion knitted fashion |
24, 35 |
OTTAGO go for passion |
25 |
PASQUA a family passion |
33 |
PASSOA the passion drink |
33 |
PATRIOT passion forever |
25 |
SOBHA passion at work |
6, 20, 39 |
SPEZZATO colours of passion |
25 |
VERNEL aromatherapy passion |
3 |
VION passion for better foo |
29, 30 |
XSTREAM styling our passion |
12 |
style N passion |
21 |
HERO HONDA passport |
12 |
RELIANCE passport |
9, 41 |
RELIANCE mobile passport |
16, 38, 41 |
SHARMA passport +squares |
16 |
pasta FASTA |
30 |
pasta PARTY +fork |
30 |
pasta XPRESS +tower & oval |
43 |
pasta xpress +tower & oval |
30 |
95 pasta n pizza +spiral |
43 |
ABABIAS pizza pasta |
43 |
CHOICE shrimp pasta |
29 |